What does the PTO do?Support
Support and enhance the educational programs at Peter Hobart and strengthen the relationship between home and school. Fundraise Donations to the PTO help fund field trips, community building events, grade-level music concerts, play in a day, guest authors, artist-in-residency programs, academic enrichment activities, yearbooks, teacher mini-grants, and much more! Our major forms of fundraising are: Peter Hobart Direct, Spring Carnival, Book Fairs, Corporate Promotions, Box Tops and Restaurant Partnerships. Participate Give parents the opportunity to take part in their children’s education. There are many volunteer opportunities throughout the year. Represent Advocate on behalf of Peter Hobart families to school and district administration. Connect Bring the school community together at events throughout the year: Fall Family Fun Night, Math Night, Imagination Fair, Science & Engineering Night, Spring Carnival, and the Last Day of School Party. We also share important school information with parents and families at meetings and through other various forms of communication. Peter Hobart PTO is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.